Column Control DTX

Techniques and Trends in Signal Monitoring, Frequency Management, and Geolocation of Wireless Emitters


Monitoring RF signals in a wireless environment is often required by a variety of wireless equipment operators, facility and test managers and government agencies. Signal monitoring applications can range from compliance of carrierspecific transmissions to the discovery and location of unknown or illegal transmitters. Traditional methods for signal monitoring rely on high performance spectrum analyzers and digitizers often operating as a standalone system. With the current widespread availability of broadband connectivity, signal monitoring systems have evolved into cooperative networks of low-cost sensors that collectively monitor the wireless spectrum over a large geographic area. This Keysight Technologies, Inc. application note reviews various issues, techniques and associated equipment required for signal monitoring and frequency management of RF spectrum in the VHF/UHF frequency range. The goals and automation requirements for various monitoring applications will be discussed and the concepts of implementing a distributed sensor network for determining the geolocation of a wireless “emitter” will be introduced.



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Column Control DTX